An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away…If You Throw It Hard Enough

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August 12, 2013 by mcflirty



We’ve spent most of our lives with people telling us what we can and can’t eat.
We hated it as kids.
We all swore to ourselves that when we were adults we’d eat whatever we want, whenever we wanted.
(This is probably where breakfast burritos and breakfast pizza came from)
We thought that particular brand of tyranny would end once we were grown up.

Damn, were we wrong.

I don’t know about you, but I have more people telling me what I can and can eat now more than ever.
It’s not just family.
(Although, to be fair, family really never stops telling you what to do)
It’s people on TV, in newspapers, magazines, online, and occasionally an odd stranger in a restaurant.
Worst of all are the Doctors.
Yeah, those sadistic fun-hating bastards.

Don’t get me wrong, Doctors are good people.
They’re helpful, caring, nurturing.
They’re also licensed dictators.

We’ve all dreaded going to the Doctor’s office.
We don’t want to hear the bad news or the new restrictions they’re going to give us.

Here’s my biggest beef with Doctors.
(Forgive the soon to be apparent pun)
When they’re wrong, people ar affected, and sometimes in great numbers.

Mainly what I’m thinking of here is the Battle Of The Bulge.
I believe that Doctors have done more harm than good in that arena.
For years we’ve been told that red meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, chocolate, avocadoes, and alcohol
are all bad for us (amongst numerous other things)
And there were campaigns to keep us away from these things.

However, over time, a lot of what Doctors thought they knew about food proved to be wrong.
As it turns out, many foods that we’ve been told to avoid actually help us lose weight.
Eggs and nuts have both the good fats and the good cholesterols that keep us our hearts strong
and our bodies fueled.
As do Avocadoes.
Cheese, real cheese, not that “Cheese Food” shit, is high in Linoleic acids, which help fight
excess cellulose.
Wine and Dark Chocolate are high in flavinoids which help the heart.
Lean Meats, like, say 90% lean, are almost pure protein after cooking.
They fill you up and give energy

Now, I’m not saying don’t go to Doctors.
I’m saying that they’re human and make mistakes.
Plus, I’m not saying that they’re the reason that we are fat.
It doesn’t help though, does it?

I guess what I’m really getting at is that we did it to ourselves.
We took the information to heart and started eliminating foods that were good for us.
We didn’t question it.
We just lined up at the cliff with the other lemmings.
We need to start getting our heads out of our asses and start asking questions.
We are responsible for our own actions, regardless of what someone else told us to do.
Start thinking people.
You’ll be surprised at how many things aren’t what you thought they were.

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